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Pokemon Pokemon POKEMON GO PLUS Smart Bracelet Linkage Bracelet

Regular price $20.66

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Pokémon GO Plus can be connected to your iPhone or Android smartphone and provides an easy way to capture Pokémon and collect items with the click of a button. You can also collect Poké Balls, Eggs and other items on PokéStops without checking your smartphone.

After pairing Pokémon GO Plus with your smartphone, you can play the game in the following ways.

Catch up with Pokémon!

 1. When a Pokémon appears nearby, the indicator light of your Pokémon GO Plus will flash green. If the Pokémon is a species that you have not discovered before, the Pokémon GO Plus indicator will flash yellow.

Note: The Poké balls in your inventory will be used. Large balls and hyper balls will not be used. If there are no Pokémon balls to throw, the indicator light will flash red.

  2. When you press the Pokémon GO Plus button, it will automatically try to capture Pokémon.
  3. The indicator light on the Pokémon GO Plus will try to catch the Pokémon, so it will emit a white pulse.
  4. If you successfully capture it, a message "You captured a Pokémon!" will be displayed. Will be displayed on your phone, and your Pokémon GO Plus light will emit seven different colors.
  5. If it disappears, a message saying "Pokémon has escaped!" will be displayed on your phone, and your Pokémon GO Plus indicator will flash red.

Get items from PokéStops!

1. When you approach PokéStop, your Pokémon GO Plus indicator will flash blue.
2. When you press the button on the Pokémon GO Plus accessory, you can get items from PokéStop.
3. The items you get will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone. Your Pokémon GO Plus light will emit seven different colors.

You can check which items or Pokémon items have been captured when the phone is in sleep mode from the "Activity Log" of Pokémon GO.